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APE Part 2: National Examination Paper (NEP)

Apply for APE Part 2

The APE is conducted twice each year. You can apply for the APE Parts 1 & 2 via the NSW ARB website when applications for the next session open.

Apply Now

Applications for the next session open
Monday 24 June 2024

Applications for the next session close
5pm Monday 8 July 2024

APE Parts 1 & 2 application fee

National Examination Date
Tuesday 9 April 2024

Go to APE Part 1

Go to APE Part 3

2024 Timetable and fees for the Architectural Practice Examination (APE)

  Session 1 Session 2 Fees
APE Part 1 & 2
Application Dates
Open 15 January 2024
Close 5pm, 29 January 2024
Open 24 June 2024
Close 5pm, 8 July 2024
APE Part 2 only*
National Examination Paper
9 April 2024 17 September 2024  $245*
APE Part 3
Application Dates
Open 7 May 2024
Close 5pm, 20 May 2024
Open 15 October 2024
Close 5pm, 28 October 2024
APE Part 3
Examination by Interview
June 2024 November 2024  
Session 1
APE Part 1 & 2
Open 15 January 2024
Close 5pm, 29 January 2024
Fees  $660
APE Part 2 only*
9 April 2024
Fees  $245*
APE Part 3
Open 7 May 2024
Close 5pm, 20 May 2024
Fees  $470
Examination by Interview June 2024
Session 2
APE Part 1 & 2
Open  24 June 2024
Close 5pm, 8 July 2024
Fees  $660
APE Part 2 only*
17 September 2024
Fees  $245*
APE Part 3
Open 15 October 2024
Close 5pm, 28 October 2024
Fees  $470
Examination by Interview November 2024

* Only applicable if you are re-applying within 12 months of initial application.

APE Part 2: National Examination Paper (NEP)

Candidates who have met the eligibility requirements for APE Part 1 are eligible to sit the National Examination Paper (NEP).

When preparing for the NEP, you must refer to the key documents on the AACA website.

The NEP is a scenario-based exam that tests knowledge and application of the relevant performance criteria in the 2021 NSCA. It is a ‘closed book’, remote proctored computer-based assessment comprising 80 multiple-choice questions to be completed in 120 minutes.

Candidates must pass the National Examination Paper before being admitted to Part 3: Examination by interview.

AACA key documents

  • 2024 Architectural Practice Examination Handbook
  • 2024 APE Information Sheet for Candidates
  • 2024 APE Support Material
  • 2024 APE Checklist
  • 2024 APE Performance Criteria Report (APE Part 1 NSCA Project Matrix)
  • 2021 National Standard of Competency for Architects (NSCA)
  • 2021 National Standard of Competency for Architects (NSCA) Explanatory Notes
  • 2021 NSCA Mapping to 2015 NSCA
  • NEP Remote Proctoring FAQs

Other documents

Attend the free briefing webinars

Before you apply for the APE Parts 1 & 2 you are encouraged to attend a free webinar delivered by the NSW ARB Registrar, Dr Kirsten Orr and NSW APE Convenor Associate Professor Melonie Bayl-Smith:

For candidates planning to apply in Session 1, 2024:

Candidate Briefing 2024 APE Part 1 & 2 Candidate Briefing
Tuesday 5 December 2023 5.30 - 7.00pm

For candidates planning to apply in Session 2, 2024:

Candidate Briefing 2024 APE Part 1 & 2 Candidate Briefing
Tuesday 4 June 2024 5.30pm - 7.00pm

For candidates planning to apply in 2025:

Candidate Briefing 2025 APE Part 1 & 2 Candidate Briefing
Tuesday 3 December 2024 5.30pm - 7.00pm
  • Last updated on .


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