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Interstate architects working in NSW

If you are currently registered as an architect in another Australian State or Territory, you must notify the NSW Architects Registration Board before commencing work in NSW. If you do not do so, you may be breaking the law.

There are 2 ways for interstate architects to lawfully work in NSW, through:

  • Mutual Recognition (MR), and
  • Automatic Mutual Recognition - Automatic Deemed Registration (ADR).
Interstate architects working in NSW

Download the Factsheet for more information.

Download here

Mutual Recognition (MR)

I want to apply to work in NSW under Mutual Recognition.

Apply Now

Automatic Mutual Recognition - Automatic Deemed Registration (ADR)

I want to notify my intention to work in NSW under ADR. Please take me to the Service NSW platform.

Go to Service NSW platform 

  • Last updated on .


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