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Our Board

The Board comprises 6 members who are architects and 5 members who are not architects. Six of the members are appointed by the Minister. The Board is supported by the Registrar.

The Board generally meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month. There is no meeting in January.

Board Members

Glenn Scott

(NSW Architects Registration number 6842)
PRESIDENT – Member appointed by the Minister who is an architect and represents the interests of practising architects

Prof Helen Lochhead AO

(NSW Architects Registration number 4675)
DEPUTY PRESIDENT – Member who is an architect and is elected by architects

Laura Cockburn

(NSW Architects Registration number 6360)
Ex-officio Member who is the immediate past President of the NSW Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects

Abbie Galvin

(NSW Architects Registration number 6501)
Ex-officio Member who is the Government Architect NSW

Brooke Jackson

(NSW Architects Registration number 9998)
Member who is an architect and an academic at a relevant NSW educational institution

Jocelyn Jackson

(NSW Architects Registration number 3685)
Member who is an architect and is elected by architects

Natalie Boyd

Member appointed by the Minister who has taken a public interest in architectural matters and represents the views of home owners as consumers of architectural services

Daniel Khong

Member appointed by the Minister with expertise in the property development industry

Peter Conroy

Member appointed by the Minister with knowledge and awareness of the views of local government in respect of the quality of building

Paul Lalich

Member appointed by the Minister who is an Australian legal practitioner with expertise in building and construction law

Skye Mason

Member appointed by the Minister with expertise in the building industry

Registrar and Chief Executive Officer

Dr Kirsten Orr

(NSW Architects Registration number 6236)
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0403 617 760
  • Last updated on .


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