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Fees for registration

From 1 June 2024, NSW architect registration fees are as follow:

NSW architect registration fees for Practising category

Registration term Fees
1 year $350
3 years $1,095*
5 years $1,900*


An initial enrolment fee of $155 may be payable in addition to the above fees if you have not previously been registered in NSW. The initial enrolment fee applies to those who,

  • have successfully completed the Architectural Practice Examination (APE), or
  • have successfully completed Experienced Practitioner Assessment (EPA) (local or overseas), or
  • are currently registered in the United States, or
  • are currently registered in the United Kingdom, or
  • are an APEC architect.

Interstate architects who apply for registration in NSW under Mutual Recognition do not pay the initial enrolment fee (which is waived).

New Zealand architects who apply for registration in NSW under Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition do not pay the initial enrolment fee (which is waived).


NSW architect registration fees for Non practising category

Registration term Fees
1 year $54
3 years $168*
5 years $290*

* Note there is no saving for 3- and 5-year terms, which factor in a year-on-year increase.


Fees for business entities

From 1 June 2024 all fees for business entities are as follow:

Items Fees
Initial listing of business entity (Initial listing fee $395 + initial publication fee $175) $570
Annual renewal of business listing $175
Change of business details (Only required where business name and/or nominated architect changes) $60


2024 Timetable and fees for the Architectural Practice Examination (APE)

  Session 1 Session 2 Fees
APE Part 1 & 2
Application Dates
Open 15 January 2024
Close 5pm, 29 January 2024
Open 24 June 2024
Close 5pm, 8 July 2024
APE Part 2 only*
National Examination Paper
9 April 2024 17 September 2024  $245*
APE Part 3
Application Dates
Open 7 May 2024
Close 5pm, 20 May 2024
Open 15 October 2024
Close 5pm, 28 October 2024
APE Part 3
Examination by Interview
June 2024 November 2024  
Session 1
APE Part 1 & 2
Open 15 January 2024
Close 5pm, 29 January 2024
Fees  $660
APE Part 2 only*
9 April 2024
Fees  $245*
APE Part 3
Open 7 May 2024
Close 5pm, 20 May 2024
Fees  $470
Examination by Interview June 2024
Session 2
APE Part 1 & 2
Open  24 June 2024
Close 5pm, 8 July 2024
Fees  $660
APE Part 2 only*
17 September 2024
Fees  $245*
APE Part 3
Open 15 October 2024
Close 5pm, 28 October 2024
Fees  $470
Examination by Interview November 2024

* Only applicable if you are re-applying within 12 months of initial application.


2024 Timetable and fees for the NSW Portfolio Program of Assessment (NSW PPA)

  Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Applications open 6 May 2024   30 September 2024
Applications close 5pm, 3 June 2024   5pm, 21 October 2024
Invitations for interview   Emailed 19 July 2024  
Interviews dates   5 August -
14 August 2024
25 November - 
29 November 2024
Results emailed 12 July 2024 16 August 2024 6 December 2024
Fees $1,260  $605*  $3,525
Appeals $1,015 $1,015 $1,015
Stage 1
Applications open 6 May 2024
Applications close 5pm, 3 June 2024
Interview dates  
Results emailed 12 July 2024
Fees $1,260
Appeals $1,015
Stage 2
Invitations for interview Emailed 19 July 2024
Interviews date 5 August -
14 August 2024
Results emailed 16 August 2024
Fees $605*
Appeals $1,015
Stage 3
Applications open 30 September 2024
Applications close 5pm, 21 October 2024
Interview dates 25 November - 
29 November 2024
Results emailed 6 December 2024
Fees $3,525
Appeals $1,015

* Payable at the time of Stage 1. $550 will be refunded to candidates who are unsuccessful in Stage 1.

  • Last updated on .


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