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Byera Hadley research reports

New Agescapes for a New Ageing Demographic

Kah Mun Tham / 2018

New Agescapes for a New Ageing Demographic

Health, Housing

A study of possible high- density solutions for intergenerational living that evolved into the pursuit of social sustainability for an intergenerational setting. Primarily, this study aims to examine alternative urban interventions in the pursuit of an Intergenerational City: the making of new agescapes that foster a shared capacity for cultural and social diversity and the integration of all ages.

The advent of ageing is hardly new, yet we find ourselves at a time where there is capital interest, debate and discourse on the subject. A quarter of the world’s population will be aged 65 years and above by 2057. Yet age segregation is becoming more commonplace with the creation of “islands of activity” along a chronology of ages; children to school, adults to workplaces etc. Buildings, institutions and public spaces are structured to echo this ethos with debilitating effects on cross-generational relationships. 

Case studies of intergenerational communities include Fang Jia Hu Tong, Beijing, China, Qin Huai District, Nanjing, China, Kampung Admiralty, Singapore, Liangzhu New Town, Yuhang, China, Tama New Town, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.

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