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Registration as an Architect

Reference Number: YIXHSEEV

Ensure that you have all the necessary documentation to upload before you start the registration process. Information below identifies the documentation necessary for registration purposes.

Use this form if you :

  • have passed the AACA Architectural Practice Examination (APE) or
  • have passed the Experienced Practitioners Program (Local) EPAL or
  • have passed the Experienced Practitioner Assessment (Overseas) EPAO or
  • have successfully completed the AACA SAP (Supplementary Assessment Process) for APEC Architects or
  • are currently registered elsewhere in Australia, New Zealand, United States or UK and wish to register in NSW under the terms of the Mutual Recognition Act (MRA), the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act (TTMRA), the United States Mutual Recognition Arrangement (USMRA) or UK Mutual Recognition Agreement (UKMRA)
  • have not been previously registered as an Architect in NSW

Applicants applying for registration under the Mutual Recognition Act (MRA) note that the application will be finalised upon receipt of a Mutual Recognition verification document issued by the architect registration authority in the State/Territory where the architect holds current registration.

Applicants applying for registration under the Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act (TTMRA) will be required to upload a finalised Form 02B completed by the New Zealand Registered Architects Board together with a copy of their academic qualification and NZ Practising Certificate.

Applicants applying for registration under the United States Mutual Recognition Arrangement (USMRA) will be required to upload a copy of the AACA US/AUS/NZ Mutual Recognition of Registration Arrangement document.

Applicants applying for registration under the United Kingdom/Australia Mutual Recognition Agreement (UK MRA) will be required to upload a copy of the AACA UK/AUS Mutual Recognition Agreement application outcome document.

If you have been previously registered as an Architect in NSW please use the Architect re-registration form.

Applicants applying for registration in the practising category will require Professional Indemnity Insurance documentation:

  • If you hold appropriate Professional Indemnity Insurance for the services you provide or are an employee of a firm, you will be required to upload a copy of the PII Certificate of Currency.
  • If you have established an architectural firm recently, you will be required to upload evidence of this such as ASIC company registration or ABN registration.
  • If you are only going to be providing architectural services overseas for the 2024/2025 year, download the PII Practising Overseas Undertaking and upload completed undertaking together with relevant supporting documentation.
  • If you are applying for an exemption from the requirement to hold Professional Indemnity Insurance for the 2024/2025 year, please download the PII Exemption Request Undertaking and upload completed undertaking with relevant supporting documentation.

If applying for registration under the Mutual Recognition Act (MRA) in the non-practising category, the following is required to be uploaded when completing the online application form:

  • a completed Non Practising Undertaking; and
  • a letter confirming that you have retired from the practice of architecture or reason why you are not likely to practise as an architect for the foreseeable future, with supporting documentation if applicable
Please complete the registration process by using these 6 steps

Step1:Enter Contact Details Not Completed
Step2:Qualification Details Not Completed
Step3:PII & Declaration Not Completed
Step4:Review Application Not Completed
Step5:Enter Payment Details Not Completed
Step6:Registration Completion Not Completed


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