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Application for re-registration or transfer

Reference Number: MPXWPCH7

You should use this form if:

  • you have been removed from the NSW Register of Architects at some point in the past and now wish to be reinstated in the Practising category (see policy) or
  • you were previously, or are currently, registered in the Non practising category and now wish to apply for registration in the Practising category (see policy)

As part of this application process, you will be asked to confirm details relating to your professional indemnity (PI) insurance and continuing professional development (CPD).

Professional indemnity (PI) insurance requirements:

  • You are required to make a declaration relating to your PI insurance.
  • If you hold appropriate PI insurance, you are required to to upload a copy of the certificate(s) of currency and enter particulars about your policy such as the name of the insured, limit of liability/cover amount, insurance provider, professional services/occupation covered, and policy expiry date.
  • You must complete an Agreement if you are applying for an exemption or exclusion from holding PI insurance for one of the reasons below, if you are:
    • an employee of a corporation or firm that has nominated at least one responsible architect under s27 of the Architects Act 2003 and not providing services outside of this role
    • an employee of an architect sole trader and not providing services outside of this role
    • an employee of a government agency, university or TAFE and not providing services outside of this role
    • an employee of a business that does not provide architectural services, in which case you must upload a letter from your employer, on employer letterhead, confirming your employment and employment role, the services the firm provides and providing sufficient detail to convince the Board that it would not be appropriate in the circumstances for you to comply with the provisions of subclause 15(1) of the NSW Architects Code of Professional Conduct.
    • only providing architectural services outside of NSW or overseas
    • unemployed and not providing architectural services
    • undertaking further studies and not providing architectural services
    • only providing architectural services to yourself or immediate family
    • recently commenced practice as an architect within the last 2 months, in which case you must upload evidence of recent ASIC or ABN Register documentation
    • on parental leave and not providing architectural services
    • in ill health and not providing architectural services

If you are covered by more than one PI insurance policy you must upload the certificates of currency for all policies.

If you have a business or residential address outside of NSW you may request a waiver of the restoration fee (if applicable) by confirming the State/Territory where you are currently registered and your interstate registration number.

Continuing professional development (CPD) requirements:

If you are applying to transfer from the Non practising to the Practising category after having been in the Non practising category for 3 or more years, you are required to demonstrate that you have met the pro rata CPD requirements for the last 12-month period.

If you are applying for reinstatement to the NSW Register of Architects, you are required to demonstrate that within the last 12-month period, you have completed a minimum of 20 hours of CPD, of which at least 10 hours must be Formal CPD. At least 3 hours of the 10 hours of Formal CPD must address the mandatory topics (1 hour per topic):

  1. Understanding and respecting Country
  2. Sustainability, life cycle assessment and whole life carbon, and
  3. National Construction Code.

Login to your online account to enter your CPD activities directly into MyCPD.

In certain circumstances you may be eligible to request a pro-rata reduction or exemption from the CPD requirements. Refer to the Factsheet on Continuing Professional Development for more information.

Please complete the re-registration or transfer process by using these steps

Step1:Previous registration Not Completed
Step2:Update contact details Not Completed
Step3:Category & options Not Completed
Step4:Review & declaration Not Completed
Step5:Enter payment details (if applicable) Not Completed
Finish:Re-registration or transfer completion Not Completed


Re-Registration Policy as practising architect

0-3 years: Automatic processing of application if the applicant meets the CPD requirement for their particular circumstances (Refer Factsheet on Continuing Professional Development for CPD requirements for reinstatement to the Register). The applicant may be required, at the discretion of the Registrar, to provide additional supporting documentation in the form of a current CV showing employment history and a record of CPD undertaken in the 12-24 months prior to the application for re-registration.

3-5 years: Applicants are required to submit a current CV showing employment history and demonstrate that they have, within the last 12-month period, completed a minimum of 20 hours of CPD, of which at least 10 hours must be Formal CPD. At least 3 hours of the 10 hours of Formal CPD must address the mandatory topics (Refer Factsheet on Continuing Professional Development for more information on CPD requirements in NSW). If the CPD record is not current, the applicant may be required, at the discretion of the Registrar, to undertake specific NSW ARB-delivered Formal CPD, or to attend a refresher course in professional practice, and/or may be required to attend a re-registration interview.

5+ years: Applicants are required to submit a current CV showing employment history and demonstrate that they have, within the last 12-month period, completed a minimum of 20 hours of CPD, of which at least 10 hours must be Formal CPD. At least 3 hours of the 10 hours of Formal CPD must address the mandatory topics (Refer Factsheet on Continuing Professional Development for more information on CPD requirements in NSW). They are also likely to be required, at the discretion of the Registrar, to undertake specific NSW ARB-delivered Formal CPD, or to attend a refresher course in professional practice prior to re-registration. Applicants may be required to attend a re-registration interview.

All applications will be assessed by the Registrar on a case-by-case basis.

Architects currently registered in the Non Practising category applying for transfer to the Practising category

0-3 years: Automatic processing of application.

3 years or more: Applicants are required to demonstrate that they have, within the last 12-month period, completed a minimum of 20 hours of CPD, of which at least 10 hours must be Formal CPD. At least 3 hours of the 10 hours of Formal CPD must address the mandatory topics (Refer Factsheet on Continuing Professional Development for more information on CPD requirements in NSW).


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